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Remote Connection Functionality Of The IEMT 7

Starting from version 7.0.81 the IEMT 7 (IIS Easy Migration Tool 7 for IIS 7, 8, 10) can connect to the destination server remotely. It is a very useful function, especially for the migration to the Server Core versions of Windows. And it is useful for any version of Windows if you have multiple servers to migrate. You do not need to install the IEMT 7 to all servers. It is enough to install it to a single one and migrate IIS from multiple source servers to multiple destination servers.

Read more about remote connection functionality in the IEMT 7 User Guide.

IIS Easy Migration Tool 7 (for IIS 7, 8, 10) v.7.0.81 released

What’s new:

– Added: Remote connection functionality. Now it is possible to use the IEMT for IIS migration to Server Core versions of Windows. Also it is enough to install the IEMT to a single server and migrate IIS from multiple source servers to multiple destination servers.

– Improved: Usability.

IIS Easy Migration Tool 7 (for IIS 7, 8, 10) v.7.0.16 released

What’s new:

– Added: Possibility to convert Active Directory user to a local one when an AD user presents in website settings as an “anonymous” user or “Connect As” user.

– Improved: Server level IIS configuration migration.

– Improved: Usability.

Hyper-V Bandwidth Meter for Windows Server 2016 released

The Hyper-V Bandwidth Meter v.3 for Windows Server 2016 is now available!

We also continue to develop and support the Windows 2008/2012 version: Hyper-V Bandwidth Meter v.2.

Please download the new version of Hyper-V Bandwidth Meter and read the user guide.

IIS Easy Migration Tool 7 (for IIS 7, 8, 10)

The new generation of the IIS Easy Migration Tool is ready! It is IIS Easy Migration Tool 7 (for IIS 7, 8, 10) = IEMT 7. The IEMT 7 helps with the migration from Microsoft IIS 7.0, IIS 7.5, IIS 8.0, IIS 8.5, IIS 10.0 to IIS 7/7.5/8/8.5/10.

It is an easy to use (GUI “wizard”) software. The IEMT 7 is able to transfer websites, web applications, virtual directories, FTP accounts, Windows user groups, Windows users, application pools, SSL certificates from one server to another. It also can assign appropriate NTFS folders permissions, dedicated application pools, IIS security settings, etc.

  • It is a time saver!
  • No installation required.
  • Easy to use interface (site migration GUI “wizard”).

It can also be used as IIS backup, recovery and consolidation software.

For more info please read IIS Easy Migration Tool 7 (for IIS 7, 8, 10) – Quick Start Guide