Tag Archives: check DNS

DNS Inspector 1.0

DNS Inspector 1.0 is finally here!

DNS Inspector is a tool to check DNS health of your (and, of course, your clients’) domain names. It allows to check MX, SOA, NS, reverse DNS (PTR) and other records, compare results of primary and secondary DNS servers and much more. It can inspect multiple domain names at a time and gives you a detailed and easy to read DNS reports.

No installation required! No configuration required.
Just run it and enjoy.

How to use DNS Inspector:

1. Enter a domain name or several domains in “Domains:” field. One domain name per line.
2. Click “Test DNS” button.
3. Wait a little, the program will check DNS health of the domains and create appropriate reports.
4. When the test finished, click report names in “Reports:” list and view them.

We promised to give 50% discount to DNS Inspector 0.9 beta testers. But we gave them 70% discount! We really appreciate their help.

Please look at DNS Inspector screenshots: